1 AM [Chart]
4223 BC [Chart]
931 AM
3293 BC
Biblical References:
Genesis 1 - 4
Genesis 5:1-5
The first human - the "Father of Humanity". According to the biblical narrative in Genesis 2:7, on the sixth day of Creation Adam's physical form was built by God, and then God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (NIV)
Adam was the first man to have surgery performed on him - and it was by God. It is described in the latter part of Genesis 2 how God removed a rib from Adam and "closed up the place with flesh". Somehow, God then formed a woman (Eve) using this rib. It is then explained that it is because of this fact that a man and woman are to be united as husband and wife (see verse 24).
Genesis 3 describes the Fall of Humanity.
Genesis 4 describes the first biblical record of murder - the story of Cain and Abel.