1 Chron 8:36; 9:42 He may be the same as the 5th king of Israel, who reigned for 7 days after killing Elah (he was a chariot commander) and exterminating his line. He committed suicide in his burning palace 1 Kings 16:9-18.
1 Chron 8:36
1 Chron 8:37
1 Chron 8:37 1 Chron 9:43 called Rephaiah
1 Chron 8:37
1 Chron 8:37
1 Chron 8:38
1 Chron 8:38
1 Chron 8:38
1 Chron 8:38
1 Chron 8:38; 9:44
1 Chron 8:38
1 Chron 8:39
1 Chron 8:39 1 Chron 8:40 he had many children and grandchildren, 150.
1 Chron 8:39
1 Chron 8:39
Exod31:6 one of the workmen of the tabernacle.
Gen46:9 KJV has Phallu. Num 26:5 KJV has Pallu here.