1 Chron 7:16
1 Chron 7:17
1 Chron 7:18
1 Chron 7:18
1 Chron 7:18
Num 26:32 makes him a descendant of Gilead 1 Chron 7:19 gives no ancestry other than the tribe of Manasseh.
1 Chron 7:19
Num 26:31 lists him of the line of Gilead but 1 Chron 7:19 gives no ancestry other than the tribe of Manasseh.
1 Chron 7:19
1 Chron 7:19
Gen 41:52 Num 26:28 for descendants see Num 26:35 where it says he has three sons, and 1 Chron 7:20ff where many more are listed. See SDABCom on this verse for a possible solution. I have assumed that the apparent chain in 1 Chron7:20ff is correct and the two names of sons killed in v 21 are unconnected links.
Num 26:35 head of the clan of Becherites. The KJV gives Bacherites.
Num 26:35.
Num 26:35 1 Chron 7:20
Num 26:36
1 Chron 7:20
1 Chron 7:20
1 Chron 7:20
1 Chron 7:20
1 Chron 7:21
1 Chron 7:21