The Kings and Prophets of Israel

King  Year Begin   Year End  Length of Reign in Years Length of Reign in Years (adjusted for alignment with Judah) Comments
Saulc.3123 c.1101 3165105942 est 1 Samuel 13:1 (NIV estimate - length in original manuscript uncertain)
Ish-Bosheth31651059316710572 2 Samuel 2:10
(no king)31671057317210525 some scholars think that Ish-Bosheth's reign may have lasted close to 7 years
David317210523205101933 2 Samuel 5:4,5
Solomon32051019324597940 1 Kings 11:42
Jeroboam3245979326695822211 Kings 12:20 & 14:20
Nadab32669583267957211 Kings 15:25
Baasha3267957329093424231 Kings 15:33
Elah32909343291933211 Kings 16:8
Zimri329193332919337 days01 Kings 16:10,15
(War between Omri and Tibni)329193332959294 compare 1 Kings 16:15 with 1 Kings 16:23
Omri3295929c.3302 c.922 1271 Kings 16:23 (see details for explanation of inconsistency in length of reign)
Ahab3302922332290222201 Kings 16:29
Ahaziah33229023323901211 Kings 22:51
Joram (son of Ahab)3323901333588912 2 Kings 3:1
(no king)333588933408845
Jehu3340884336885628 2 Kings 10:36
Jehoahaz3368856338484017162 Kings 13:1
Jehoash3384840340082416 2 Kings 13:10
Jeroboam II3400824c.3452 c.772 41522 Kings 14:23 (see details for explanation of inconsistency in length of reign)
Zechariah345277234537716 months 12 Kings 15:8
Shallum345377134537711 month 02 Kings 15:13
Menahem3453771346476010112 Kings 15:17
Pekahiah346476034667582 2 Kings 15:23
Pekah3466758348673820 2 Kings 15:27
(no king, or inconsistency in chronology)348673834947308
Hoshea349473035037219 2 Kings 17:1


Prophet  Year Begin   Year End  Length of Era in Years Comments
Hosea3415809350372188Hosea 1:1 ** Estimate **
Jonah3425799342679812 Kings 14:25 & Jonah 1:1 ** Estimate **
Amos343578934367881Amos 1:1 ** Estimate **


Event  Year of Event  Birth of Person or Event used as Starting Reference Comments
AM BC Name Years
Solomon starts building Temple32091015Exodus from Egypt4801 Kings 6:1. 4th Year of Solomon's reign, ie. 3 yrs after he became king
Solomon finishes building Temple32161008Start of building71 Kings 6:38
Israel & Judah split3245979Solomon's Death
Capital of Israel set up Samaria3301923Reign of Omri61 Kings 16:23,24
Israel taken into Exile in Assyria - become the 10 Lost Tribes3503721Reign of Hoshea92 Kings 17:6 & 18:9,10



Kingdom of IsraelChart dating after CreationChart dating before Christ


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